Friday, March 16, 2012

Dina Lohan Says Lindsay Lohans FULL FRONTAL Playboy Shoot Went Well

Yesterday we learned that Lindsay Lohan reportedly posted for Playboy magazine over the weekend at a rented mansion in Beverly Hills, CA (a shoot where her teenaged sister Aliana Ali Lohan was in attendance). Today we learn that Lindsay‘s mother Dina Lohan is in full support of the shoot. In response to a question about [...]

Today I will be making my way cross country from LA to NYC so it’s going to be a bit of a shorter work day for me. As you may know, I’ve become obsessed enamored of the amazing off-Broadway show Sleep No More currently in production in NYC and this week they are doing a series of special Hallowe’en performances of the show. I managed to find a crazy cheap flight so off I go.

I’ll be flying all day long today so things will be back to normal tomorrow. I am very excited for this trip. Tomorrow night’s performance of Sleep No More is called The Darkest Shadow. Friday night’s performance is called Night of Apparitions. As I understand it, we will get to see the show as usual but there will be a special after-performance soirée for attendees and guests. I’ll only be in NYC until Saturday afternoon and then I fly back to LA to enjoy the Hallowe’en festivities here. Happy Hump Day, y’all! I’ll catch y’all on the East Side.

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